Quality, Australian-made homœopathics available at your finger tips.

Australia’s original integrative, self-sufficient botikin range, formulated for every body, every family (even pets) - build your own botikin or choose from our kits designed for everyday needs.

Never be caught out again.


Quality Australian homœopathics & affordable health.

Perhaps you are here to set up your own botikin.

Or you may have found yourself at a crossroads of health; what you have done thus far has not resulted in vitality & abundant health.


Throughout history, regardless of media speculation or even what we are told at school, health does not come from a magic pill.

There are key components of good health:

  • Clean air & sunlight

  • Good hygiene

  • Pure water

  • A healthy pH plant-based diet pH = balance

  • Exercise & activity

  • Avoidance & removal of toxic chemicals

  • Safe & effective therapies

YOU are responsible for this

And this is where Chrysalis Original can help

  • "Lulu is a wealth of knowledge, always happy to pass on her knowledge which has helped me a so much. I love her remedies for both myself & my animals. It is always wondrous to see positive results knowing the remedies are safe & effective with no nasty side effects.

  • "Lulu's products from Chrysalis helped immensely with my general well being whilst I was going through menopause. Nothing but good things to say!"

  • "We have found all the complex remedies that we have purchased from Chrysalis to be very effective. They do exactly what they say they will do and the best part is they are safe for our whole family. We are very happy with everything we have purchased for our home remedy collection."

  • "I am extremely impressed with the homeopathic remedies that I have used. The Spiritus has helped me immensely with my asthma and recently I used the Tussis for a cold that I had. The Tussis was great for dispelling the phlegm, it loosened up my coughing so that I didn't have that hacking sore cough I normally would get. I would recommend these products to anyone. I can't wait to try the Mosaic remedy. Thank you Lulu for what you do."

  • "Highly recommended. Lulu at Chrysalis has helped us so much with assessments and personal report of our son who is 5 years old, clinically diagnosed autism & underlying medical conditions. She recommended remedies for us to try for his symptoms, with nutritional support. He went from being non verbal to verbal communication again!! ❤️❤️❤️ and she was always there to help us with any questions along the way. ☺️ Natura PH Aureus for ear infections, Pax for sleep support Stress/Fear, tinctures for Flu symptoms remedies and so many more in my cupboard. More than happy to recommend Chrysalis!"

  • "After getting to the end of the rope with my health, many less than good experiences with Western medicine, a friend recommended Lulu, as she has made a massive difference to my friend's husband's health. I was experiencing a lot of pain and suffering from injuries and side effects of medications. Although this is the beginning of my journey, I am waking up with energy and enthusiasm, unlike the previous years of anxiety and depressive episodes. Just wish I could turn back the years and had known Lulu and her professional care and be so much better for it. I had lost hope of ever feeling better again. Thanks Lulu!"


  • "Sharing my husbands journey here today: He had a medical done and blood tests showed high sugar, bp, cholesterol and was prescribed pills. Chemist warned him there are side effects to these drugs, we weren't happy about all the possible side effect so I contacted Chrysalis Original and explained what was happening with my husbands health. We purchased the herbal products (not expensive) and they arrived promptly too. After 2 weeks we noticed a change in his daily sugar readings, we followed the diet changes suggested and after 8 weeks we can honestly say that these products are amazing. My husband is very grateful n feel blessed to have been able to find a more natural way to help him. No he refused to take any of the other drugs. We highly recommend this and Chrysalis Original to anyone."

  • "I was distraught on Friday night could not sleep. I remembered Cura for stress on so Saturday night I took 5 drops & had the best sleep ever. I woke up feeling like I'd turned a corner; I take Cura with me everywhere. Thank you for creating such a powerful remedy. Please feel free to share this as a testimonial."

  • "I was going to send you a message asking what I should look out for with the biologic remedies you sent after my test. Then I remembered you saying to make notes of how I feel now compared to a month down the track and then another month, so I waited a few months longer. I thought about it and was shocked. Without realising, almost all of the issues I grew up with are gone. I haven't had a panic attack for months, I don't feel depressed, I am not even reacting to things like I did before with all my allergies. I'm eating better and not craving junk food. I have more energy. All from two little bottles. As you said, the remedies are slow acting and improvement happened without me even realising it. Amazing."

  • "Thank you Chrysalis Original. Since receiving my young family kit earlier this year for my large family, I've used it constantly. Each time one of us feels something coming on, a few doses and it's gone. This is the first winter that we have breezed through and not a single doctor's visit. No gastro, no coldsores, no UTIs, no flu, no coughs or colds, no ear infections, the babies are sleeping well and best of all, no tantrums! I don't usually send testimonies but I had to. I would never have been able to afford all of this but being able to pay it off has changed our lives. Thank you."

  • "I bought the basic kit almost 12 months ago and have used it constantly since then. I don't have any background in health and was afraid I wouldn't 'get it' but seriously, the booklet has helped me every single day."

  • "Someone in our house has antibiotics at least once every few months. Not this year! You mentioned how Aconite which I know is in Lava, can treat an infection before it takes hold. Now, at any stage of early fever or suspected infection I give a few doses of Lava and no one has had any form of infection this year. Oh, other than when my son came back from school camp with what I thought might be appendicitis. I gave him the Lava every hour for the rest of the day. By the next day he was back to normal. How can we go from regular infections to none at all?"

  • "One of my children was complaining of an itchy bottom and began wetting the bed at night. I had read all your posts on your website blog so I remembered reading that it could be caused by worms that come out at night in the warmth, cause a tickle and the child relaxes and wets the bed. I began giving the Helix three times a day and by the third day he did not wet the bed. By the end of the week he no longer said he had itching. I make sure I gave it to everyone in the house, including the pets and do so one day every month."

  • "I used to use plain old rescue remedy and loved it but since finding your Pacific I know it is truly rescue remedy PLUS. Before we found your kit, people were urging me to get my child assessed for ADHD. She used to react to EVERYTHING. Any time she ate the wrong thing, screaming tantrums hit within minutes. Even shopping centres made her sick. Her eyes would go wild and she would begin throwing herself around like she wanted to hurt herself. She would scream herself to sleep. Not any more."

  • "When I say my family was allergic to everything, that does not even come close. Go out in the garden, rash. Spring time, hayfever. Bee stings, swelling up. Perfume, sneezing. Mosquito bites, puffy everything. Pique is used almost every day (explains why I have gone through 3 bottles this year). No more restless legs & arms. Coughs & colds. The reason we found you. Bronchitis & bad coughs seemed to be our 'thing'. More than one hospitalisation has happened because of this weakness in the family. Every winter we all came down with a cough that kept the kids home from school & us home from work. Not this year, not with this kit; for that I am eternally grateful. Imagine if every home had it!"

  • "I have had kidney stones a few times and they are not nice. There is no warning until they hit. Once again I got the unbearable pain and was going to go to the doctors but thought I should try the Lapides. I got almost instant relief and within 24 hours no more pain. I did notice some red gravelly looking particles in the toilet and believe it was the broken down stones."

  • "One of my children has repeat bladder infections. I'd read your post some time ago about the link to bubble baths so I changed what we use. Once again, she could not wee and experienced the same pain and odour. I began giving her the Lapides just 3 times a day and her response was so rapid I didn't think it was possible. No more bladder infections."

  • "I've been taking Mosaic every morning for a few months now. I an really feel the difference it makes to my health. Iam more than happy with the product. The bottle lasts a very long time too which makes it economical."

  • "A few drops of this with my personal tonic blend included from my online consultation is very impressive how a few drops of each wake up a tired battered exhausted me. Many years ago l used to buy much more expensive bottles of something with some ingredients. Impressed how this combines these hard to find ingredients in such a synergistic way that they work so well together. Is really something I have telked with family about making sure we each use daily and make sure we kees ordering more."

  • "So much more helpful than far more expensive things I had tried far more deep restful night's sleep. Better than some hard meds that knock me but my sleep monitor shows very clearly. Past few years I've worn an activity and sleep monitor. I track almost every day's activity and almost every night's sleep. I know when a medication zonks me but only get superficial cycle and no deep restful sleep. The first week I was taking this I could see my sleep patterns were many hours of deep restful eleep rather than the few minutes per night I got previously."

  • "OMG life saver I wish I found Pax 30 years ago. I suffer from anxiety and never get a full nights sleep until I started using this. I need less than the recommended dosage which is great and I fall asleep and stay asleep now. I actually wake up early now and with energy! If you thinking about getting some poison prescribed by you doctor try this first."

  • "Your information book is an amazing reference for the accompanying Homeopathics and also the natural health glossary at the end, highly recommended. All of the Chrysalis range has integrity, heart and is super potent. I am planning on eventually purchasing the whole range."

  • "I am so impressed with the products and packaging. I have always loved these products and the new tonic for my specific mix is amazing how helpful it is. I ran out and had forgotten to re-order. You know something works this well when you make the mistake of going without it for a few months. When my order arrived just a few days after ordering it I was reminded the first day taking it again. it works. Works really well."

  • "I developed mild pericarditis after my second dose of Moderna. I feel that overall, the remedy Kardia has been more helpful, but appreciate that my mild pericarditis might well have been more severe had I not been taking this remedy prior to vaccination. Overall. if you find that "right" remedy for you then you just know; Chrysalis Original remedies are very effective."

  • "Used this for our Dog in their water following an operation where the site of the wound was looking a little infected. It worked a treat and the inflammation reduced overnight."

  • "My family are very accident-prone. Let me just say I believe I found the answer! We've had bruises, sprains, strains, sore backs, suspected fractures, pulled muscles, bumped heads and crushed fingers in this year alone. Nexus has probably been our most used remedy. It has worked every time and I wonder how I have ever survived without it."

  • "For no known reason one of my kids woke up with eyes so swollen she could not open them. I couldn't work out which remedy to use as none seemed to directly be indicated so I used the Natura because I had read one of your case studies on a swelling injury. First dose, redness was gone. Second dose, no longer painful. Third dose the eye was open. By the evening, all swelling was gone."

  • "My youngest had swollen glands and was pulling at his ears. He was crying and was red and hot. I thought it might be otitis media as I had been to the doctor with it before and did not want to use antibiotics again, ever. I gave him two doses of Aureus and he went to sleep. When he woke up he was not red any more but I gave him a few more doses during the day. He woke up back to his old self by the next day. Last time, it took more than a week for him to recover and he ended up with an upset stomach from the antibiotics!"

  • "The other most popular one in the house and the first one I ran out of; Osmosis. Two family members have IBS. Well, HAD IBS. Not any more. We do use slippery elm and bicarb now, like you said. We also make our own kombucha. But Osmosis has been used here for diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, even gastro and vomiting. I cannot believe how good it works."

  • "I woke in the middle of the night with piercing ear pains, like stabbing every few seconds. Probably every 10 heartbeats or so, like someone was poking a needle into my eardrum. I have had otitis media a few times before and it is painful! I had no pain relief which I believed I needed. So I turned over onto the painful ear and tried to sleep it off. I woke again and the pain was worse. I had your homeopathic drops near my bed from the last time I was unwell so I just took them and hoped for the best. I am not lying when I say I had 2 or 3 more stabbing pains and then it was gone. What sort of magic is this? How could something that might need antibiotics and pain relief heal so fast? Waiting for your answer. But thankyou!"

  • "My horse has been struggling with the worst smelling hooves (thrush) and abdominal pain (? early colic). She was really struggling so I gave her a mix of Vertex for pain, Sero for thrush and Osmosis for abdominal pain. It took less than a week and she is back to her feisty happy self."

  • I wanted to share something that doctors said was impossible. My son, aged 2, was born with two holes in his heart but as a failure-to-thrive baby they could not operate until he gained weight. He couldn't gain weight because he was so unwell. So he sat all day and would struggle just to walk. He began on Lulu's homeopathic medicine and I didn't think much of it, but kept up. He began to gain weight and get colour back. He was moving around easily so I took him back to the hospital to see if he could have surgery. Scans showed NO HOLES. His heart had healed. No, HE had healed completely.

  • As a professional athlete (retired post injury) I saw Lulu in the hope I could gain some function back. I'd also had a bad car accident which left me with PTSD. I was scheduled for knee surgery as my cartilage was shredded. About 6 months into treatment I went to the doctor for x-rays to see how I was progressing as I really wanted to play again. Imagine my surprise to see that the cartilage had regrown. The doctor just said there must have been an error with the original xray...

  • I was diagnosed with osteo-spondylitis and as a gym junky & builder I was told I would have to retire as there were no viable bones in my neck holding my head up. So I began with Lulu's recommendations (Nexus, dietary changes, a few supplements and adjusted exercise). I remember the day the GP called me into the clinic. Where there were once vague blobs where my vertebrae should have been, there were now almost perfect vertebrae. He said he would not believe it if he had not seen it with his own eyes. I still have a little pain (multiple fractures) but life is good!

  • Our kids hate medicine, hate going to the doctor, but love these remedies so much we have had to store them in a locked cupboard. Any time they hurt themselves or feel unwell they try to heal themselves without telling us!

It is said that ‘like cures like’; and this is the foundation of our Australian homœopathic contemporary range, all suspended in the smallest, most energised dilution suitable.

Our origins

  • In 1987 the first simplexes in our private practice began changing lives; by 1991 our first complex was developed & over the following decade, the range grew to address almost every requested health care need, based upon clinical demand. From start to finish, the ingredients are sourced from the best companies; no compromise is made for any aspect of the process. Simply put, if it hasn't been Clinically Proven by use in real live practice, and if we have not experienced success ourselves - with excellent results, it will not be offered for recommendation. Our work is never based upon theory alone or a suggestion that a remedy may assist with any given ailment. And only the most widely successful will continue to be used. You may find that our remedies are quite different from others you have bought; this has come about from trial and error; accurate evidence-based health care.

    With the health climate in such a state of disarray, every single one of us needs to be very diligent. It is no longer acceptable or suitable to just live each day in the hope that you wont get sick. Waiting rooms are over-filled; emergency departments cannot cope with the queues; Practitioners are hard-pressed to take a few minutes to ask questions & write out a script - without time for the actual physical person - just the name of the diagnosis. Years of study & dedication & the only people who benefit are the pharmaceutical companies.

    Every one of the Chrysalis Originals remedies has been used for basic health issues at home & clinically, they have also been used for very serious health issues (with supervision), so you can rest assured that they work. Best of all, they are simple to use.

  • After humble rural beginnings, while gleaning expertise from some of the world’s leading Physicians and Teachers, our remedies evolved & soon became sought after by those who choose to take charge of their health rather than become part of the accepted health care crisis.

    One by one, patients presented with symptoms & it was soon evident that offering a large number of simplexes was too confusing; quite often hopeful customers would simply give up. One by one, the complexes were formed. For example, during hayfever season (spring time) dozens of people who were unwell, but not unwell enough to need a full consultation presented at the clinic asking for help. Rather than offer a remedy they may only need for a time, a complex was formulated to cover all aspects of hayfever, mild allergies and sensitivities. In turn, it could be used for a wide range of symptoms once the hayfever symptoms were gone.

    So too, with varied digestive ailments. Rather than offer a usual kit of simplexes which the individual would need to understand, a broad-spectrum remedy which dealt with all manner of imbalance became our number one remedy. Then came the complex for all aspects of aches, pains & injuries. Then influenza, followed by emotional shock, panic & fear. For general stress management a complex was created which allowed everyone to benefit from a wide range of soothing ingredients including St John’s Wort (Hypericum) which is not advised in herbal form for those on other medications. Homœopathically, it is perfectly acceptable to use. Next came the multi purpose complex for infections & fever, then the dental health remedy.

    For a few years, this basic kit of 8 remedies was embraced by people all over WA, but over time it began to grow & by 1997, there were 25 different complexes - depending on what was demanded by patients & what was most popular. The inclusion of Bach remedies, Bush flower remedies, Cell salts (tissue/Schuessler salts) & new discoveries involving the homœopathisation of both popular & rare herbal remedies by Chrysalis Original, the botikin is unique. By the rebranding & re-release of the range in 2020, there were 44 different complexes and the range continues to grow. Our world may be changing, but the efficacy of homœopathy does not.

    You can be assured that every complex has above accepted average results (our own clinical records often reflect perfect success rates). Many offers from outside interest (including international) have been made to purchase our brand & many companies have attempted to emulate the remedies. As the developer & manufacturer, our head homeopath needs to oversee every aspect of each remedy - from start to finish & refuses to share our secrets or support other companies in releasing substandard copies. Likewise, since our beginning, there are now many ‘chrysalis homœopathy’ & ‘chrysalis herbal’ or even ‘chrysalis natural health’ - but there is only one Chrysalis Original.

    For your own interest, please read our case study page to get a better understanding of the vast applications possible in using your chosen remedies. With both human & animal case studies, it provides a wealth of info. Natural Therapies provide assistance to care for general health needs - this range provides assistance at home to care for families - safely, affordably & honestly.

  • Homœopathic remedies can usually be found in liquid form (tinctures) or as pilules (small lactose-based pills). Some homœopathy supporters believe the pilules are more convenient & travel better.

    Until recently, we have avoided use of pilules due to the lactose content - as a base for a remedy, it is ambiguous. Today, a disproportionate percentage of the human population is not only sensitive or allergic to lactose, it is not suitable for vegans or animals & it poses the question of unnecessary reaction rather than healing; at the very least it could affect the outcome or hinder progress.

    While the body is forced to deal with a lactose response, it will in turn struggle to respond to the remedy vibration. Our homœopath has argued this case for years, especially amongst other manufacturing companies & it was part of the main impetus for the development of the Chrysalis Original range - especially the remedies containing tissue salts as these traditionally come in pilule form & so many have reported cell salt pilules are ineffective for them. As a result, all Chrysalis Original remedies until recently were liquid based.

    Thankfully, sucrose and calcium carbonate-based pilules are now available and these will be added to our repertoire over time.

    If transport is a concern, please consider purchasing a carrier vessel such as is used for essential oils (do not store near essential oils as they can affect the sensitive remedy negatively) or even handmake a carrier by sewing two thicknesses of fabric together similar to a makeup brush holder; insert the remedies individually & roll up to place in a carry bag. Remember to never expose remedies to heat & always store in a cool, dark place. If travelling or for carrying in a vehicle, please consider using an insulated carrier.

  • The science of homeopathy began its long genesis in Germany in the late 1700s; through the observations & research of doctor, pharmacist, botanist, herbalist, alchemist, pathologist & medical textbook translator, Samuel Hahnemann.

    He noted many observations; chiefly that the poor were offered substandard health care & what was to become the basis of his science, the ability of direct effects of substances to create disease, while the removal of the substances could appear to cure the disease.

    He theorised that by diluting and energising the substances he could therefore remove pre-existing symptoms (dis-ease) from living beings whether human or animal, without the dangers posed by the original morbid substance. At the time, medical methods were questionable and posed grave effects upon the patient - he argued against the use of various poisons, against leeching, and his discoveries below are still in use today even though others have received the kudos.

    His personal life & professional career were both fraught with struggle; he was a sickly child & became his own trial subject in order to both prove the efficacy as well as improve his own health. Professionally, he was hounded & vilified as both the established patriarchal medical & pharmaceutical profession were increasingly threatened by his discoveries.

    Doctors & other health professionals travelled to learn his findings & eventually homeopathy was taught all over the world. He did not live to see this success, having died in relative poverty & obscurity. In fact, at the time of his death, homeopathy had been taken across to the US, UK & India where it could be freely practised without threat.

    Today the use of homeopathy in India is so successful that people travel for healing; it is practiced in most hospitals and cure rates are the higest in the world.

    By the late 1800s, homeopathic colleges & hospitals existed across the globe (including around Australia), with homeopathy set to become the foundation of ‘modern’ medicine with all other modalities branching out. Only with the advent of a political initiative waged by well heeled, well funded writers and pharmaceutical supporters such as Fleming & Pasteur, an offensive against homeopathy began with the aim of hegemony & the goal of absolute abolition which continues to this day.

    Hippocratic-based schools which trained medical doctors in homeopathy were closed, doctors practising homeopathy were lured away with lucrative offers in larger hospitals & once the elder homeopaths died, the hospitals were closed. Today, it is rarely practiced as a mainstream modality in the west, despite its safety record & its almost impeccable record in times of pandemic & major catastrophic events.

    Part of this assault has included the deliberate erosion of the modality as a stand alone science and over the last 20 years it is mostly included as part of a naturopathy course. This does neither the naturopath or homeopathy itself, any fIavours as homeopathy is as different to naturopathy as chiropractic is to physiotherapy, or as general practice is to dentistry.

    The current trend to remove or destroy all historical homeopathic literature has robbed the world of a safe, effective treatment modality that can either be used as a stand-alone option or alongside other forms of treatment as it does not elicit contraindicative responses. While veterinary medicine was at one time the most common form of homeopathic practice in the western world, there has been a concerted effort to eradicate & blackban those involved.

    By 2022, almost all homeopathic research had been removed from the internet & it is a challenge to find original textbooks other than from determined printers in India. Within self-governed medical bodies with government support, much homeopathic terminology & advice has become illegal.

    Interestingly, in recent years our governing bodies have quietly embraced homeopathy as a ‘vital’ part of our medical system yet this is still not widely or publicly known. It is time to change things.

    Just a few of Samuel Hahnemann’s achievements include:

    • How to test for arsenic poisoning - saving millions of people and helping coroners determine cause of death. That might not mean much today, but in Victorian times, even your wallpaper could kill you. Arsenic was found in almost every home and more people than not, died from its use - cause of death put down to any other reason. Thank Samuel Hahnemann that you are not still being poisoned by arsenic. Today, there are Marsh and Metzger tests, but no Hahnemann test…

    • Discovered antiseptic - 100 years before it was widely used to prevent & treat infection. Aside from the extensive repercussions around the world still in effect today, he changed the course of medicine. Thank Hahnemann, not necessarily Lister, Fleming or Pasteur that you now have antiseptics and disinfectants (and sanitisers).

    • Discovered the true reason why wine will become wine and not vinegar. Until then, most attempts ended up as vinegar. If you like wine, thank Hahnemann, not all the so-called scientists making it (arguably) drinkable.

    • Created soluble mercury AND wrote extensively of the toxicity and poisoning of the same - 200 years before medicine woke up and removed it from pharmakeia. Thank Hahnemann for thermometers, and for the fact that finally someone rubbed a few spare brain cells together to STOP putting it into baby creams and medications - even if it took them 200 years.

    • Discovered the cure for malaria. It is still in use today - where once it was used merely as a tanning chemical. And you can thank Hahnemann that today, quinine is still a cure for many things (including parasites and other diseases).

    • Discovered the cause of gallstones. Salts. And then he created salts-based remedies to cure all manner of ailments. You can thank Hahnemann that those pesky rock hard stones wharh e formed through bad diet and poor liver function can be dissolved with the . right advice. He discovered that over 200 years ago.

    His discoveries, throughout times of the worst of contagions, have had an exponentially higher cure rate than the 'best' of medicine. But pharma has ridiculed him - doctors say it is placebo and doesn't work - or is dangerous. Worse still, laws have been wrangled & manipulated to ensure that it is now illegal to even claim a cure.

    There are records but you wont see them unless you know where to look. Not only did he fight the corruption of medicine in his day, his ideas were stolen and he was never given credit for his work.

    Today, too many people still have never heard of homeopathy despite just a hundred years ago, everyone used it as part of home medicine kits, hospital care and veterinary medicine.

    It is time for change.