We are Chrysalis Original

Whatever your story is, the way you tell it can make all the difference.

This is our story.

How our homœopath created our contemporary remedy range over the years, encompassing traditional methods alongside the use of energised herbals, Bach Flower remedies, Australian Bush Flower Essences …

and our own exciting new discoveries.

Lulu’s story

Coming from a long line of healers, and years before Chrysalis Original’s genesis, it all began with an earlier career in medicine; culminating as a remote area nurse/consultant. Her childhood obsession with all things health, and especially old rural hospitals & practices, drew her to her kismet. Prior to undertaking studies in what was to become the focal point of her professional life, our principle began on an international pathway to understanding her field in every way possible, including :

Herbal medicine, colour therapy, iridology, organic farming, biodynamic gardening and natural nutrition.

During her travels, a number of memorable things stood out; including the use of bush medicine amongst not only the Indigenous of Australia (where she regularly assisted patients to access their own healing modalities) and Africa, this one word which kept appearing in passionate conversations where the speakers raved about this one form of gentle miracle healing; Homœopathy.

Each time she heard the word in Australia and the UK, the people involved were adamant that this one modality was successful where others failed; in fact, in each instance the use of homeopathy was suggested when there was no hope, they were of the belief that it would never fail, and they were right. After a short hiatus to have her first baby, she completed further studies in 1991, including:

Advanced Diplomas in Homeopathy, clinical acupuncture, cupping & moxibustion.

Very early in her career, she had the opportunity to attend her first international medical symposium which changed her life. She was invited to chair and present a paper on Indigenous health, and was invited to work in some of India’s and Beijing’s most prestigious university hospitals as well as a WHO mobile research unit. She decided to dedicate her career instead, to helping out at home in Australia, where homœopathy has been all but outlawed and abandoned.

Her first rural practice Pingelly Natural Health Clinic was soon established, drawing patients from as far afield as Albany, Broome & Kalgoorlie. With a focus on affordable, ethical & gentle health care, from the earliest days, & thanks to the inclusion of the formulation & homeopathic remedy preparation elective in her homœopathy studies, she experimented with the development of mother tinctures - both homeopathic and herbal with remedy potentisation (which involves the combination of dilution & dynamisation through succussion [energising] which resulted in delicate, extremely powerful remedies). The added potentisation and dynamisation of traditional herbal medicines, combined with Australian Bush Flower Essences brought about enhanced effects not seen before.

Through clinical research & the process of elimination, this new mode of contemporary homeopathic remedies was developed with ethics & purity, avoiding all examples of cruelty. Living remotely & travelling in areas unserviced by health care both in Australia (& eventually Africa), the remedies came into play more & more out of necessity, with incredible results seen in both humans & animals alike. Living and working on a shoestring budget, without financial backing and with the blessed help of those who were able to help (rent of premises, building of structures and equipment, moral support & professional advice), the growing range & effort focused on those ordinarily unable to afford dedicated health care.

The home medicine kit (botikin) originally involved 8 homeopathic remedies which covered the most common ailments presented at the clinic. This original kit was used by families, students living away from home, athletes, international celebrities, even the families of some of our politicians & not so surprisingly, medical experts.

Early in private practice, she noticed a few patterns (many of which had been noticed in ER previously) -

  • People had forgotten how to connect with their own health

  • People had been encouraged to hand over their lives to strangers in the hope of a quick fix

  • If given the opportunity, taking natural measures could often avoid an emergency or chronic illness

  • Natural measures worked well with orthodox medicine if given the opportunity

  • People have stopped taking care of their health in general

  • People ignored their own warnings until minor symptoms develop into dis-ease

  • People went to clinics and ER for things that our forebears had known how to treat

  • Simple measures taken early could prevent the worsening of symptoms

  • Entire generations of health-focused families do not require medical care while others depend on them.

  • Many people can not afford natural health care because there is no insurance or equivalent government cover for what modern medicine takes for granted, to the tune of billions of dollars.

With the eventual establishment of a number of rural clinics, a venture in Perth’s northern suburbs saw continuation of impressive results & the willingness of people to embrace homœopathy, even though it had disappeared from Australian hospitals & the media in the late 1930s. Over time, the new affordable homœopathic remedy selection (which would eventually become the Chrysalis range), grew to 25 remedies.

Thanks to a chance meeting while working as a health chain consultant, a large WA supplier became our distributor and soon, it was available all over WA and a growing number of interstate outlets. An invitation to export resulting from 2000 Olympics visitors embracing the range, failed to eventuate because of the dismal attitude by financial institutions towards natural health & due to external pressures, the business folded.

After the closure of the clinics, while focusing on natural nutrition & orthomolecular studies, a number of years in formal research transcription, the kit went into hiatus. This was followed by a stint in the degree coursework writing for a Perth college (Paramount College), the success of which has resulted in advancement of some of our nation’s top homeopaths.

Due to ongoing constant demand, the range recommenced development & research in 2019. By 2020 (with no funding), & an increase to over 5 dozen remedies, (and despite some very sneaky & opportunistic appropriation of both the name and remedy ideals), a minor alteration of the name and Chrysalis Original was born. And the time was right…

Homeopathy or Homœopathy?

Traditionally, the use of Latin spelling in medical terminology was common & this is our preference. However, we understand it is no longer in favour, as so few original spellings are used. If you have noticed the variations in spelling, don’t be concerned. Both have the same meaning.

How are these remedies vegan?

As with other forms of medicine, homopathy does have a number of animal-derived ingredients amongst its remedies. Chrysalis Original’s family are all vegans, so it stands to reason all of our medicines are as well. The ingredients which would be sourced from animal tissue are energy based; cloned frequencies rather than physical matter. No animal should suffer for our health.

Chrysalis Original Homeopathics

Our Mission Statement

  1. Abundant health for all.

  2. Guide & assist all who seek to achieve what is our birthright: abundant, vibrant health.

  3. No form of health care should be out of our reach, especially because of economic reasons.

  4. Promotion of truth in health care.

  5. Pure, ethical sourcing at every stage of research, development & production.

  6. No creature should ever suffer for the benefit of another.

  7. No human or animal suffers in the creation of our products, ever.

  8. Promotion & restoration of Homœopathy around the world as a safe, pure & effective healthcare modality, free from politics.

Packaging & Eco Footprint

  • BOTTLE LABELS - We use 100% recycled Kraft Paper labels with natural glue

  • HEX WRAPPING - We use 100% recycled Kraft Paper hex wrapping to ensure your order arrives safely

  • FILLING - We use 100% recycled corn starch filler to pad out and support your bottles

  • TAPE - We use 100% recyclable Kraft Paper and Cellophane tapes with natural glue

  • BOXES - We use 100% recycled Kraft Paper cardboard boxes

  • FLYERS & INFO SHEETS - We use 100% recycled Kraft Paper/Copy Paper sheets

  • POST LABELS - We print our own labels using recycled material labels and thermal printing (no ink)

  • INFORMATION BOOKLETS - Our books are printed on 100% recycled card and paper using non toxic inks

  • BOTTLES - Our violetglass bottles are 100% recyclable (see below)


Traditionally, homeopathic remedies are formulated from materials including animal & even human tissue matter (albeit very dilute). 

The idea of 'Edenic' - to us, means original, free-of-cruelty, natural, pure and unadulterated from beginning to end. As such, we do not use lactose in our formulations, use only pure unadulterated ethanol, organic vegetable glycerine, distilled water and the purest of ingredients. 

From mother tinctures to our most potentised remedies, our ingredients encompass traditional & herbal, Bach flower remedies, bush flower essences, new discoveries and compounds from the plant and mineral kingdom - all potentised at every level, resulting in the triple level dynamisation. For any remedy that requires tissue or material sourced from either human or animal life, this is achieved using radionics. No suffering. For anyone.

Chrysalis Original Homeopathics

Our bottles

So much more than just looking amazing..

Chrysalis Original remedies have always been stored in dark glass - previously, this was amber and cobalt glass which at the time, were the darkest pigments available. We also only used rubber droppers for our pipettes.

However, over the years, degradation of contents was noticeable, while the rubber perished due to the contents.

In 2020, our principal homœopath discovered precious biophotonic violetglass; an ancient, strong glass medium which is capable of protecting contents from light and many other contaminants that erode ingredient quality - a vessel as important as the contents within. The new droppers are nitrile which do not degrade the same way the rubber did & the extended life of the product resulted.

Violetglass preserves AND extends shelf life almost indefinitely. Homœopathic mother tinctures can last decades, even centuries, however once potentised (diluted & energised) weakness can result due to exposure or heat - this may shorten the life of your remedy. Violetglass takes preservation to a whole new level, providing further protection against damage once the delicate remedy has been prepared for use - protecting it from various energies & toxic effects of surroundings. This keeps your remedy in pristine condition, able to work as well in 20 years as they do now.

Hold your tincture bottles up to a light and allow your eyes to adjust - see the amazing dark violet colour. This is the key, being the last (and strongest) colour in the spectrum. Our bottles are recyclable but once you have used up a remedy, you may want to keep your empty bottles to store other valuable ingredients such as oils.

Violetglass originally hails from Egypt, but now is made exclusively in the Netherlands & exported around the world, used by companies concerned about the storage and preservation of precious ingredients. Violetglass comes at a great cost to Chrysalis Original but we believe our products - and customers - are worth it.